(Grupo de Pesquisa & Formação)
Conhecimento Interpretativo e Especializado do Professor de e que Ensina Matemática
II Seminário Internacional
Etienne Lautenschlager (UFABC)
Marlova Caldatto (UTFPR)
Uffe Jankvist (Faculdade de Educação, Dinamarca)
Pere Ivars (Universidade de Alicante; Espanha)
Maria Mellone (Universidade Federico II, Napoles, Itália)
Comissão organizadora:
Miguel Ribeiro (FE, UNICAMP) – Chair
Alessandra Almeida (PECIM, PUCC) – Co-Chair
Bianca Bazani (PECIM, UNICAMP)
Fabiana Cotrim (PECIM, UNICAMP)
Juscier Mamoré (PECIM,UNICAMP)
Marcos Paulo de Oliveira (PECIM, UNICAMP)
Milena Policastro (FE, UNICAMP)
Silvania Couto (FE, UNICAMP)
Arcanjo Jama (UNICAMP)
Programação Completa:
Mesa de Discussão
(Possibilidades de) Pesquisa com foco no Conhecimento do Professor de/que Ensina Matemática – buscando formas de melhorar a Pesquisa, a Formação e a Prática
História das disciplinas escolares e a formação de professores: algumas reflexões
Tarefas de aprendizagem professional: uma proposta para a aprendizagem de álgebra na Licenciatura em Matemática
Etienne Lautenschlager (UFABC)
Políticas Públicas Educacionais e o desenvolvimento do Conhecimento Especializado do Professor de Matemática: possibilidades e limitações investigativas
Marlova Caldatto (UTFPR)
On the use of primary historical sources in the teaching and learning of mathematics
Uffe Jankvist (Faculdade de Educação, Dinamarca)
Resumo: "Why would one go to the extent of using a, possibly very old and maybe even somewhat inaccessible, primary source in the teaching and learning of mathematics, when so many contemporary textbooks are ready-made and pedagogically prepared for dealing with the same mathematical topics
using modern day language, coherent notation, etc.?” This is the question that I shall address in this talk, taking into account recent developments in research surrounding this topic.
Development of Noticing using a learning trajectory
Pere Ivars (Universidade de Alicante; Espanha)
Resumo: In this seminar, we will present a learning environment designed around a learning trajectory of fraction (LT) which can support pre-service primary school teachers’ development of noticing student’s mathematical thinking. The use of the theoretical information of the LT as a framework to attend to students’ answers and to interpret their understanding helped pre-service teachers to improve their professional discourse. This improvement is linked to the enhancement of professional noticing.
Cultural transposition – travelling in mathematics education practices
Maria Mellone (Universidade Federico II, Napoles, Itália)
Resumo: I will present the cultural transposition framework as condition for decentralizing the educational practices of own context through the contact with didactic tools and methods of different cultural contexts. Indeed, the meeting with foreign math education practices can be a powerful experience of developing researchers’ and teachers’ awareness, if performed together with a cultural “deconstruction” and reflection. I will discuss the philosophical issues conceived in this theoretical framework within some examples, in particular I will refer to the Lesson Study methodology for the
Professional Development of in-service teachers.